Products: Trade Show Displays
Description: When you go to the show you need to look your best. A trade show is often your first meeting with a potential client. You would not show up to a first date with a muddy cluttered up car would you? A clean booth that describe what you do is key. Imagery can tell more about your company in 2 seconds than 1000 word pamphlet, it can also grab attention instead of customers just walking by. Popup displays are a great way to exibit who you are, add a nice back drop and your good to go. Tradeshow displays don't have to be complex or costly, but Imagery is key.
Use: Trade shows
Life Span: 1-3 years
Delivery Time: 3-7 days
Standard Sizes: N/A
Cost: Due to the wide variety of displays please call for quote.
Design Advice: Use lots of images to describe what you do Design your display to fir your image..
Care: Keep displays rolled up and in a safe place when not in use.
Additional Info: A good display is worth it's weight in gold. You spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars to sign up for the show, don't let it go to waste by not looking your best.
Note: Cypress likes to work hand and hand with clients to product the best displays. The best way we have found to do this is for the client to gather up as many images and information and come in for a "design session". We have found this to be the best and most cost effective way to produce quality designs. Please contact us and e can setup a time to work with you on your design. We also understand that sometimes you cannot get away during normal business hours, please contact us and we can schedule a time that best fits your time restraints