Products: Channel Letters
Description: Channel Letters or the number one way to identify your building. These signs are normally internally lit, with either neon or LED. They can be of any size or shape to fit your needs
Use: Building identification.
Life Span: 10+ years
Delivery Time: 3-6 weeks
Standard Sizes: Channel letters are normally custom made, but using standard non serif fonts will normally lower costs.
Cost: Due to the custom nature of channel letters it is hard to estimate costs. Example pricing of a 3'x17' Channel letter signs would be anywhere between $4500-$6500
Design Advice: Don't get complicated, Being large is good but it does cost. you would be surprised how far a 3 ft tall channel letter can be seen. Also check with your landlord for any standards or restrictions.
Care: Make sure birds do not nest, and clean every few years. Call for maintenance if bulbs do not light.
Additional Info: n/a
Examples of Work: